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Why Is Forging Better Than Machining?

Why Is Forging Better Than Machining?

Forging and Machining are processes within the industry that have advantages and disadvantages. Often, there can be a confusion between which processes are the best for your specific request. Sometimes, it can be a hand forged process you require, not the bigger, more complex processes.

Machining is the process of removing material from the workpiece in order to achieve the designed shape or size.

Forging is the process of shaping metal through applied force and the application of heat to make the metal more malleable when shaping.

Sometimes these processes go hand in hand and can be used on the same piece of work, but there are times when forging is the better option, or vice versa. Both options come with benefits and disadvantages that can give reason for their use in a specific project.

Benefits of Forging Over Machining

Forging is an age old process that has been the selected process for many applications over the years. It comes with a number of benefits including:

  • Stronger and more durable products – because forging requires the application of heat, it returns to its plastic state allowing the grain structure to be modified, resulting in stronger, more durable products.
  • Able to produce more complex shapes – there are a number of techniques available in forging that allows for more complex shapes and designs to be achieved. Hand forging, drop forging and upset forging are the common techniques used at B. B. Price.
  • A more energy-efficient process than machining – forging does not produce anywhere near as much waste as machining, making it far more energy efficient in the long run.

Disadvantages of Forging Compared top Forging

Forging does however also come with disadvantages:

  • It can be a more expensive process when compared with machining – this is based on the specialist equipment and skills required for forging. It is not a quick or easy task!
  • It is a time-consuming process – forging required heating the metal before it can be shaped and worked to the desired shape. This makes it a lengthy process that must be done with control.
  • Not suitable for everything – forging is great for creating and producing unique shapes and designs; however, it does have its downsides in terms of not producing a smooth finish. This requires further work before it can be a smooth, clean cut piece.

Benefits of Machining

Machining is a process that removes metal from the main piece in order to achieve the desired result. It can be considered one of the most versatile processes within forging, offering the ability to produce many pieces. It does come with a number of benefits when compared with forging processes, including:

  • Versatility – Machining can be done with a number of materials, not just metal. It can be used on plastics, composites, and metals making it a great choice for a variety of applications.
  • Complexity – this process can be used to create complex parts that might not be achievable via other processes.
  • Accuracy – machining can produce highly accurate dimensions and tolerances in comparison to other forging techniques, meaning it can ensure parts are made to the highest precision.
  • Efficiency – as machining is an automated process, it can be cost and time saving, improving overall productivity.

Disadvantages of Machining Compared to Forging

Much like forging, it does however come with a number of disadvantages that are considered per specific project:

  • Machining might save on some costs all round, but it is still a costly process, particularly for more complex products.
  • There is a lot of material waste from machining due to it shaving down the material in order to achieve the desired shape or size.
  • To work the machines, this requires a high level of skill and knowledge; it may be difficult to find people with these skills quickly, slowing down the process for the business.

B. B. Price: The Local Forging Experts

Whether you are looking for a detailed piece or a larger well designed product, B. B. Price have the processes in place to help you.

We have over 150 years of experience and expertise in forging, including the variety of processes that this involves. We are able to offer hand forging, drop forging, upset forging within our forging processes as well as galvanizing, pressings, and machining.

Whether you are looking for something unique or need a new supplier for your products, get in touch with our team today. We are on hand to help answer your queries and ensure that your specifications are met.

You can contact us online today or give our team a call.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!