Blacksmith Forge Near Me
The evolution of blacksmith forging has shaped metalworking processes across the forging industry today. At B.B. Price, we honour traditional blacksmithing whilst also embracing newer methods of forging to offer a comprehensive range of metalworking solutions to suit all industries.
From traditional hand forging, previously known as blacksmith forging, to advanced methods such as closed die forging, we provide a range of bespoke forging services that meet the needs of a wide range of industries.
If you are looking for a blacksmith forge near me, get in touch with our team at B.B. Price today and let us help you with your forging needs.
What Is A Blacksmith Forge Near Me
A blacksmith forge near me refers to the age-old process of shaping metals with heat and hand-held tools, traditionally a forge, hammer and anvil. Blacksmiths worked with black metal, such as iron, typically hitting it with an action known as ‘smite’ This action was used to shape the metal once heated.
For many centuries, blacksmiths were crucial craftsmen in communities, creating tools, weapons, household ornaments and even horseshoes. The heating of metal makes it malleable, allowing it to be hammered into the desired shape. In the modern forging industry, this method of shaping metal is known as hand forging; it is a laborious task that requires high levels of skill to achieve overall precision.
Whilst technology in the forging industry has advanced, the core essence of a blacksmith has remained: the use of heat and force to reshape metal for practical application or decorative purposes. Whether you are looking for a larger scale forging services, or a traditional blacksmith forge near me, at B.B. Price, we can help you.

Hand Forging At B.B. Price
At B.B. Price, we have a team of hand forging experts who utilise the traditional methods of a blacksmith forge near me and combine them with advancements in forging tools and machines. This method is widely known as hand forging. It is often used for bespoke projects that require highly customised design.
In hand forging, metal is first heated in a forge until it reaches the required temperature. From here, a blacksmith will use hammers, anvils and other tools to shape the malleable metal, relying on their skills and precision to achieve the desired shape and form.
Hand forging can take multiple heating cycles in order to reach the exact specifications due to the time it takes to shape the metal and refine the product. This is why it is used for smaller, intricate projects where a personal touch is required. Although slower than modern forging methods, a blacksmith forge near me will ensure a high-quality finish for each product, allowing you to experience ultimate craftsmanship.
If you are interested in hand forging, speak to our team at B.B. Price today to get started.
B.B. Price Forging Techniques
B.B. Price has been in the forging industry since 1875, establishing a business that specialised in forging and galvanizing for overhead power lines and the rail industry. Having diversified over the years, we now offer a variety of methods of forging, including:
Alongside our forging services, we offer a range of other processes, such as:
Whatever your forging or fabrication projects, our team at B.B. Price can help you. Speak to our team today or contact us online to find out more about how we can help you.
Contact B.B. Price: A Trusted Blacksmith Forge Near Me
Blacksmithing has come a long way over the years, developing into a modern, industry-renowned form of hand forging. The essence of blacksmithing has remained the same, shaping metal with precision and skill to form well-crafted metalworks as desired.
At B.B. Price, we have a team of highly skilled hand forgers who operate a blacksmith forge near me. Alongside hand forging, we offer a range of modern forging techniques that allow us to mass-produce components for large-scale projects such as rail and overhead power lines.
Whatever your forging needs, speak to our team today and let us help you and your business.