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Acquire new premises at Corngreaves Road

Acquire new premises at Corngreaves Road

Unit 1

We are proud to announce the recent acquisition of Unit 1, Corngreaves Road, Cradley Heath. The purchase presents us with a variety of opportunities to increase the value-added services offered to our existing customers as well as exploring more markets and increasing our offerings to our primary sectors.

The new unit, providing us with an additional 50,000 square foot capacity, is currently undergoing re-development to allow extra use to be made of the yard space. Concreting the exterior ground and erecting perimeter fencing enables us to improve vehicle access around the border of the unit in addition to maximizing our storage area for galvanized products.

Whilst plans for the new unit are yet to be finalised, one exciting project that will be undertaken is to create an exhibition in the reception area. Over the past few months, we have been delving into our history and unearthed many interesting products, photos and news articles with fascinating back stories.

These include: a certificate of recognition for employing disabled servicemen after World War I; numerous historical photos dating back to the early 19th century; and a track spike that had been made by the company and then used on the Singapore railways by Jeffrey Price (a son of a former director) who was taken as a prisoner of war in World War II. Instead of keeping them locked away in the archives forever more, they will soon be on display to give everyone a taste of our rich heritage.

To bring the site into working order, we are also exploring market leading, state of the art machinery to improve our production efficiency. The machinery will also provide us with the capabilities to manufacture products of significantly larger sizes for expansion into new markets. This further evidences our commitment to the continuation and future growth of the company into the 5th generation and beyond.