Construction Forging

Construction forging covers the process of forging and creating the necessary parts for within the construction industry.

At B. B. Price, we specialise in forging the best quality parts for your construction needs!

What is Construction Forging?

Construction is naturally an environment that requires heavy equipment, and large or heavy forged parts. Some of these may include crankshafts, axles, gears and more. These parts also have to be able to withstand the rigors of construction.

One of the advantages of forging for construction is that this gives a degree of flexibility and customisation in the parts and products that are being made. They can be tailored to specific specifications without having to follow suit with everyone else.

At B. B. Price, we are able to ensure that you are proved with the highest quality forged products from specialists who understand the forging processes thoroughly. We always ensure that each and every product is to your exact specifications and have the strength, durability and reliability required within this business sector.

What Can Be Forged within the Construction Sector?

There are a range of products that can be forged within the construction sector:

  • Structural steel beams
  • Gearing
  • Fasteners
  • Engine Parts
  • Machinery Components – often heavy
  • Weapons
  • Hand Tools

Within construction, all tools or parts must be made with strength and durability in mind. If they have poor durability or resistance to certain elements, these will not be suitable for that industry.

Similarly to Mining Forging, there are also parts of machinery that need forged, ensuring that the tools and machines used in construction are capable of manoeuvring heavy objects or large amounts of materials.

Construction Forging - A constructed building with cranes and flock of birds

Benefits of Construction Forging

Benefits of construction forging have already been touched upon, but it is important to understand that forging is the best option for construction parts and products for specific reasons:

  • Customisation: Components can be tailored to your specifications, regardless of whether they are the same as everyone else in construction. They can be shaped and sized to your requirements.
  • Consistency: The properties and dimensions from forged products bring consistency, helping to ensure that the products are and remain reliable.
  • High Strength: Forged products have fantastic mechanical properties that include high strength, toughness, and resistance, meaning they are ideal for construction, providing high levels of durability and reliability.
  • Cost-Effective: Due to the durability and strength of forged products, this can make them cost-effective. Although expensive initially, they do not cost as much in the long run.
  • Sustainability: The process of forging products often creates less waste and scrap due to it being recyclable and naturally far less. This is better for the environment and more sustainable.

B. B. Price, Your Construction Forging Specialists

If you are working in the construction sector and need to find a new supplier for your forged parts and products, why not get in touch with B. B. Price today.

Our team of highly skilled professional can help ensure that all products made are bespoke and to your exact requirements, no matter how different they may be. Every product is of the highest quality and gives durability and reliability for years to come.

Forging with B. B. Price

If you would like to find out more about our forging processes or speak to a team member about your product requirements, you can give us a call or contact us online today.